With all the negative physical and emotional effects of menopause has on women is not surprising that a woman learns that she is entering a period of menopause is often felt down, and maybe even depressed.
So much focus is placed on all the negatives that go along with it that is easy to understand the many positive factors that are part of this phase of life.
Some women find that it is the end of their femininity and vibrant introduction to old age. Of course that is one view of old age can be a mitigating factor about "Life is what you do" would be very important to apply to the period of life about menopause and old age.
So really you are good aspects of menopause:
For many, the only good thing that we can see about not having to deal with menstrual cycles, if they have had difficulty with this in the past. It's a good thing for them, but there is a lot more.
It was while living in the child bearing years are over. Where one door closes, another opens though. No worries about having to use contraception or birth control methods. The most common method of birth control have side effects, and these no longer have to deal with.
It is important however to be absolutely sure that you follow your doctor's advice about when you're really past the phase of pregnancy. There are a lot of "change of life" babies are walking around in the world who have an unexpected surprise.
Understand 'change of life:
Menopause stage, often called phase-shift life. Instead of focusing on all the irritating aspects of the menopause stage, perhaps with an emphasis on what these changes will mean for your life to help you coast through it. This often means that your child rearing responsibilities drawing to an end. Now there will be more time for you and your spouse.
This may mean that the financial difficulties of raising a family history. Now what little extra money is available can be used for some of the finer things in life.
Menopause stage appeared, and you still have your health and many wonderful years ahead. Use of menopause in a positive way to plan the next phase of your life you can be absolutely wonderful part of your life if you let it.